Tiger Balm White Ointment

The classic Tiger Balm Ointment which many of us grew up with. Count on this family favourite herbal formulation of Tiger Balm to soothe headaches, stuffy nose, flatulence, and other discomforts quickly and effectively.

  • Fast acting pain-relief properties
  • Made from herbal ingredients
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Tiger Balm White Ointment

Available in 4g, 10g, 19.4g, 30g

Customer Reviews

I find that Tiger Balm White Ointment is a wonderful treatment to ease the pain of headaches and migraine. When rubbed into the temples and applied lightly around the nostrils, it really helps to relieve tension and clear the head. I also travel often for my work, and I always take Tiger Balm White with me as I find it soothing and relaxing during long flights. I honestly wouldn't be without that little hexagonal glass container with the gold tiger cap. It has made such a difference to the management of my headaches and migraines. It really is a magical product.

Nigel Holden - Australia

As a migraine suffer, I've tried every aspirin available and a few prescriptions. I've found that Tiger Balm Regular alleviates my migraine faster than any other method I've tried. I will usually rub a small amount on my temples and neck, and within minutes, the pain will be reduced. Many thanks to Tiger Balm for this wonderful product.One day, when I was there to get some medicine for a flu, we got to chatting and she found out that I was from Malaysia. Immediately, she started to regale me with stories of her time in Malaya during the 1950s, as a Red Cross nurse at the height of the Emergency. She was quite a character and had wonderful stories to tell about treating both military and civilian personnel during the Emergency. Whenever I flew home during the summer holidays, she would always ask me to bring back some Tiger Balm. She said that found how useful it was during her time in Malaya and had used it to treat her aches and pains, as well as for tummy aches. She couldn't get any in England at that time and you should have seen her face when I brought back some for her. Priceless!

Paul Hild - United States

I have used Tiger Balm White for many years. I apply it on shoulders and chest and rub it in when I don't feel well before going to bed. It's a relief. I also smell the balm when I have a cold, it really opens up the nostrils. A great product!

Martijn Broekman - Netherlands

I am a medical provider in the military currently serving in Afghanistan. I frequently give Tiger Balm to my patients and as a result of its success have needed to prescribe fewer oral pain medications. Thank you for the option!

Shawn Ruppert - Afghanistan

Excellent product - no complaints. I am 57 and last week I was bitten by fleas for the first time in my life. The itching was unbearable, I used all the recommended anti itch medicines, nothing worked. I saw my tiger balm and tried it on the flea bites, I was desperate so I put a small amount of balm on each bite. Within minutes the itching stopped and did not come back until the next day with half of original intensity, I re-applied some balm, itch gone has never came back. Life Saver for me, just wanted to let you know. Thanks.

Steve Keathley - United States

The best pain relieving ointment I have ever used. I had to write this letter to let you know how much I love your Tiger Balm product. I have tried almost every other product in the market, but this is the best pain relieving ointment I have ever used. I have recommended all my co-workers, family, and friends to use Tiger Balm. We work in a factory, so we have a lot of aches and pains. We all swear by this product. I just wanted to congratulate your company for such an amazing product. Please don’t even quit making Tiger Balm!Also, thank you for using very diverse pictures on your website. It’s warming to see so many wonderful/beautiful families represented on the homepage. Tiger Balm is for everyone.

Debby G - United States

Fabulous product! I learned about it while traveling in the Orient. I use it for headaches, and the relief is within 30 minutes. The headache discomfort seems to just be lifted to the front of my forehead where the discomfort collides with my eagerness to identify the headache's location....and then, while I'm concentrating on that....voila! It's gone. I keep a small jar in my travel kit and one in my medicine cabinet in a bathroom. Wish I had known about it a long time ago. THANK YOU !!

Patricia Calvert - United Kingdom

This product is the best. It has helped me sleep and it has a very cool and calming sensation. I use it on the base of my neck, and it relaxes me.

Emelinda Hazelrigg - Canada

I was traveling in Thailand and suffering from lots of mosquito bites the first time I experienced Tiger Balm. I had heard of it but never tried it myself until I purchased some at my hotel in Phuket. I instantly applied it to my bites and got instant relief. Over the last 10 years I have used Tiger Balm on other insect bites, sore and swollen joints, and muscle pains. I am so happy to see all the new products and hopefully milder scents so that I can take and/or wear Tiger Balm out. Thank you! Tiger Balm is the only thing you need in your medicine cabinet!

Melissa Johnstone - United States

After having unexplained chest pain and back pain for 18 months, I was desperate for some relief. After all the tests ruled out my heart, lungs, and food pipe, I was left with an unexplained chest wall injury with the possible of costochondritis. The prescription was not bringing me relief and I tried tiger balm one night before bed. I managed to slept pain free all night and the next day was my only pain free day in months. I no longer use the advised prescription. The pain still comes and goes but with just a little tiger balm on the painful areas, the relief last for 10 to 15 mins. It literally changed my life.

Justin Lake - Canada

When I go on vacation to tropical regions, I always have my Tiger Balm White with me. It is extremely efficient for mosquito bites. They don't itch, they don't swell. Fantastic!!!

Stephanie Baud - Switzerland

I love Tiger Balm!! I tend to get tension headaches and find that Tiger Balm is AMAZING for clearing my head. I find it works when standard pain killers don't. The menthol clears the sinuses too!

Katie Russell - United Kingdom

I use Tiger Balm for my headaches applying it on the temples. I feel an improvement almost immediately. I don´t want to use medicines so this product is a blessing in disguise. I really want to thank you.Since using Tiger Balm, it has taken out the pain and removed the stress from my lower back and has helped me sleep through the night. I just wanted to thank you for your hard and dedicated work you have put into your product. Keep up the excellence in your work ethics!

Tamara Sende - Spain

Recently, our family, which includes three children ranging from 12 to 19 years old, has all been sick and feeling unwell and hasn't had much sleep. By the second week, I am still unwell and taking medication. So, I got out the tiger balm and tried it on my forehead for a headache which I had lasted for 4 days. What a relief it has been! I have not taken one painkiller since :-). Dabbing just a small amount on my forehead with a cotton ball (stops hands smelling!) and I am good to go again. In fact, I have actually tackled my sickness first time in over a week, thanks to tiger balm.

Paula Ball - United Kingdom

I have been using Tiger Balm since my childhood. The product was introduced to me by my grandfather, who was using it. Now my daughter is also using it whenever she had cold or headaches.

Anil Verma - India

For Headache

  • [1]
  • Apply a pea-sized amount of ointment onto forehead or temples and lightly rub in a circular motion.
  • [2]
  • Repeat this application after 30 minutes if your headache has not gotten better.
  • [3]
  • Wash hands with soap after each application.

For Stuffy Nose

  • [1]
  • Rub the ointment onto your chest, 3 to 4 times a day.
  • [2]
  • You can also apply a thin layer on the sides of the nose.
  • [3]
  • Wash hands with soap after each application.

Main Ingredients

Camphor, Dementholised Mint Oil, Cajuput Oil, Menthol, Clove Oil

Important Notes:

  • Store below 30°C
  • External use only. Use as directed. Refer to product label for details.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the difference between Tiger Balm Red and White Ointment?

    Tiger Balm Red and White have similar analgesic effect. Both products contain Camphor, Menthol, Cajuput Oil, Dementholised Mint Oil and Clove Oil. An extra ingredient, Cinnamon Oil (Cassia Oil) is added to Tiger Balm Red during the manufacturing process to produce the unique reddish- yellow colour of the product.

    Both Tiger Balm White and Red are effective for the relieve of muscular aches and pains, sprains and strains, headache, stuffy nose, flatulence, itch due to insect bites. However, we recommend to use Tiger Balm Red for muscular aches and pains, and Tiger Balm White for headache and stuff nose.

  • What causes the color of Tiger Balm Red Ointment to change?

    Tiger Balm Red Ointment has a reddish-yellow color at the point of production, which gradually turns to the reddish-brown color a few months later. The color of the product further darkens over time due to the natural aging process. The change in the ointment’s color has no impact to the quality, efficacy, or safety of the product.

  • Why is the scent of Tiger Balm I recently bought different from pervious purchases? Any change in formulation?

    We have not changed our formulation over the years. Tiger Balm Ointment is a blend of herbal ingredients, it is natural for herbal ingredients to have variation which explain for the slight variation in scent. The variation in scent does not affect efficacy, this is our assurance to you.

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